Features List

PawLoyalty Kennel Software provides snapshots of your schedule broken down by service type. Or if you prefer select to view it by room occupied, or assigned employee. With over 7 different schedule views, PawLoyalty kennel software ensures that your lobby isn't crowded during busy times.
- Daily Customer Count by Service
- 2 Second Check-In & Out
- Customer Preference Reminders at Check-In
- At-A-Glance Room Assignments
Simple Scheduling
The only kennel software you should trust to replace your desk calendar and other technology workarounds. Stay organized and keep all staff on the same page with PawLoyalty kennel software.
- Employee Schedules
- 2 Second Check-In & Out
- Customer Preference Reminders Upon Check-In
- At-a-Glance Room Assignments

Automated Emails
People come back to your business for the little things.
Keep customers engaged and informed with kennel software
that automates small pieces of customer service.
- E-cards for Customer Birthdays
- Appointment Confirmations
- Quarterly Service Feedback
- Vaccination Reminders
- Email Customer Receipts

Organized Employees
Keep staff organized and informed using online calendars.
PawLoyalty kennel software even helps with payroll.
- Automated commission calculation
- Built in time-clock
- Let employees review their upcoming schedule online
- Let employees request time off
- Manage Territories for non-facility related services